Plan C San Francisco
If you've enjoyed this web site, I invite you to consider joining an organization that I have helped found, called Plan C San Francisco.
Plan C was formed in October 2001 by a small group of us who felt that no one at City Hall was listening to ordinary people who care about quality of life issues. As just one example -- last March, when Mayor Brown announced the 2001 San Francisco City Budget, we were shocked to find out that Friends of the Urban Forest had lost 100% of its City funding -- threatening that organization with the loss of almost half of its operating budget! Why? Because the folks at City Hall don't hear enough from average San Franciscans who care about the things that make this City liveable and special street trees, neighborhood parks, MUNI, libraries, etc.
We also were astounded that the Board of Supervisors voted in July 2001 to severely restrict tenancies in common -- the most affordable vehicle for first-time homeowners looking for a starter home in a SF neighborhood. And many of us were frustrated that the homeless problem continues to grow, with only "status quo" solutions offered up by our elected representatives.
So we decided to form a group -- independent of any "machine" -- to try to advocate for solutions to quality of life issues in San Francisco. I'm a founder and member of the board of directors, and I hope you'll join.
To join (or just to learn more about us), visit, and click on "Join Plan C". We have lots of Cole Valley members already, and I'd love to have more!
Mike Sullivan