Here's a fantastic photo collection of the neighborhood .
sfgate's page on Cole Valley , which got a lot of its content from this site. But check it out anyway; it's got some content that they didn't get here...
There's also
Stories from Cole Valley .
Cole Valley Improvement Association and
Haight Ashbury Improvement Association are great organizations, and CVIA has the city's best neighborhood newsletter.
Check out
this site about Cole Valley artists .
Here's a link to the Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council (HANC) web site .
If you or friends/family need to visit the neighborhood for more than a few days, check out My Neighbor's Place on Woodland Avenue (near UC Medical Center) or Harper House on Waller Street.
And this is only indirectly related to Cole Valley, but if you liked this site, and love San Francisco, and want to join a group that's trying to improve the quality of life in the City, then check out a group that I helped found called Plan C San Francisco.